Thinking about planning a Disneyland or Walt Disney World vacation?

What you can expect when booking with Dani and Britton:

-Lowest rates available on your hotel stay. If you find a better price, we can try to MATCH that rate.

-Discounted park tickets including Extra Days Free, Florida/California Resident deals, and lower everyday prices than on the Disneyland or Walt Disney World websites.

-Layaway plans available. If we book your trip through Get Away Today, you can choose a Layaway Plan for $200 down with interest-free, flexible payment options so you can pay over time up to 30 days before travel. Note: Your $200 down payment includes a non-refundable $99 Layaway Plan fee which means $101 automatically goes toward paying for your vacation. Your vacation must be paid off in full nine (9) days prior to travel. (Note: If Disney raises its ticket prices between when you book and when you travel, your package will be subject to the higher ticket price if you haven’t paid the ticket portion of your Layaway Plan off before the ticket price hike. This typically happens each year in October. Keep this in mind as you choose Layaway, and make sure you at least prioritize the ticket portion of your plan being paid off before those inevitable price hikes. We will do our best to remind you about that if you book on Layaway, so don’t stress!)

If we book your trip directly through Disney, you can pay your trip off over time up to 30 days before travel with just $200 down. (No Layaway fees needed.)

-Peace of Mind Plan: Adjust, reschedule, or cancel your vacation up to 72 hours before travel for a refund.

-Access to Dani and Britton via email, DM’s, and phone. We have personally toured or stayed at many of the properties around Disneyland and Walt Disney World and have firsthand knowledge that can help you plan the most worry-free Disney trip possible. We are here to offer advice, help you make travel choices that work for your family, assist with dining reservations and other “extras,” help you find options that keep you within budget, and more!

-There are no hidden fees to use our services. We are paid by Disney and our host agency—not by you. Why not benefit from free advice and hands-on vacation help? Our goal is for you to have the most successful and enjoyable trip possible and help take away some of the pre-vacation stress and planning!

Plus, you get a free straw pouch from our shop when you book with us!

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